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  • Writer's pictureJuana Macias

Direct Mail for B2B

B2B marketing teams are starting to realize the power of direct mail. Often, it is more effective than digital marketing campaigns and can be more memorable for prospects as well. Whether it is an expensive gift that demonstrates your expertise or a thoughtfully-designed postcard that tells a story, the physicality of a piece of mail can help you stand out from the competition.

The type of mailer you choose will depend on your marketing goals and budget. Standard postcards are a great choice for quick announcements or event promotions, and they can be easily personalized with bold images, quotes, or CTAs. For more complex campaigns, consider using a larger format like a flyer or folded brochure to make your message more visually appealing and easy to understand. If you are trying to set up a meeting with a prospect, try appointment mailers with attention-grabbing incentives and calls to action.

Once you’ve chosen a type of mailer, start with a targeted list to ensure your message is relevant and effective. You can either use house lists, which are names and addresses you’ve collected from existing customers, or purchase a high-quality list with precise demographics and deliverability rates.

Finally, be sure to track your campaign results. This will help you see the return on investment for your direct mail efforts and refine your messaging based on what’s working best. This way, you can optimize your campaign strategy for greater success in the future.



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